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The Financial Benefits of Using Internal Counsel Over External Counsel for Routine Legal Matters

Posted on October 2023

Benefits of Using Internal Counsel Over External Counsel

Navigating the corporate legal arena often brings companies face-to-face with a critical choice: lean on internal counsel or hire external counsel? As businesses grapple with increasingly complex legal requirements, understanding the financial and strategic nuances of each option becomes paramount.

Cost-Effectiveness of Internal Counsel

The most obvious advantage of internal counsel is their cost-efficiency. Being on the company’s payroll, their services don't accrue hourly charges, unlike external attorneys. For standard matters like reviewing contracts or ensuring employment law adherence, these savings can be significant.

A Deeper Understanding of the Company

Beyond the balance sheet, internal counsel offers an intrinsic advantage: deep company knowledge. This means their advice is not just legally sound but also aligns with the company's business goals and cultural nuances. While external firms boast legal expertise, they might need more time to align with a company’s unique objectives.

When External Counsel Makes Sense

The realm of legal matters is vast and varied, and while internal counsel proves advantageous in many scenarios, there are specific circumstances where seeking the expertise of external counsel is not just prudent but essential.

  1. Specialized Expertise: Every legal domain has its specialists. Whether it's intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, or international trade law, external firms often house experts with deep specialization in these areas. They live and breathe their specific niche, staying updated on the latest legislative changes, landmark cases, and best practices.

  2. Resources and Infrastructure: Top-tier law firms come equipped with a wealth of resources – from extensive legal libraries, databases, and research tools to paralegals and junior associates who can assist in large-scale projects or litigations. This can prove invaluable in complex cases requiring exhaustive research and preparation.

  3. Impartiality and Fresh Perspectives: There are times when an outside perspective is beneficial. External counsel, being detached from the company's internal dynamics, can offer unbiased views, ensuring decisions are made strictly on legal grounds without the influence of internal politics or sentiments.

  4. Complex Litigations and Large-Scale Projects: High-stakes litigation, especially those that might attract public attention or have significant financial implications, often necessitate the credibility and firepower of renowned external law firms. Their reputation and experience can play a pivotal role in negotiations, settlements, or courtroom battles.

  5. Geographical and Jurisdictional Expertise: For businesses operating in multiple states or countries, local legal nuances can be challenging to navigate. External counsel with boots on the ground in these locations can provide invaluable insights into local laws and regulations.

  6. Risk Management: In particularly sensitive or high-risk matters, having an external counsel can act as an added layer of protection. Their objective stance and specialized expertise can help businesses navigate legal minefields with added confidence.

In essence, while the economic advantages of internal counsel are clear-cut in many day-to-day matters, the complex, ever-evolving landscape of corporate law often necessitates the breadth of knowledge and depth of experience that seasoned external counsel can offer. It's about striking the right balance to ensure optimal legal protection and representation for the company.

By the Numbers

To put it in perspective, companies with a turnover between $100-$150 million, by predominantly leveraging internal counsel, can pocket savings of around $5.7 million each year. That’s approximately 0.5% of their annual revenue.

For a more detailed understanding of this evolving landscape, "The Rise of the General Counsel" report is a must-read. Additionally, as you consider the longer-term strategic value of your legal team, our blog on How to Formulate a General Counsel (GC) Succession Plan provides critical insights into ensuring continuity and sustainability in your legal leadership roles.

The Debate

The debate between internal and external counsel is multifaceted. While routine legal matters often favor internal teams, certain situations call for the specialized touch of external lawyers. Business leaders contemplating this pivotal shift or considering bringing their external counsel in-house should not be in two minds about seeking expert advice. Request a call back for tailored guidance tailored to your unique circumstances. Ensure your company is legally fortified today and future-ready for tomorrow. If you're interested in a career, why not check out our in-house counsel jobs.